September 6th 2015
Every first Sunday of September the Grand Canal re-lives the splendor of the old and traditional events of the Serenisima. On the occasion of the Regatta Storica, there is the most exquisite procession of historical boats. From the palaces, squares and some streets overlooking the Grand Canal, one can admire these incredible boats. The event recalls the arrival of the Queen Caterina Cornaro from Ciprus. It also represents the supremacy of Venice over the Mediterranean. The first regatta dates back to 1315, under the reign of Doge Giovanni Soranzo, and since then the city has hosted this party and competion. The Venetians compete in four different regattas: women on mascarete, teenagers on pupparini, champions on gondolini and men on caorline. Our apartments are named after these and other traditional Venetian boats.
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